Kaamratna Tantra : कामरत्न तंत्र

Kaamratna or Kamratna Tantra (कामरत्न तंत्र) is a relatively lesser-known text within the extensive literature of Tantric traditions. Tantra, a broad and complex spiritual path that originated in India, encompasses a variety of practices and texts aimed at achieving spiritual enlightenment, personal transformation, and liberation. Here’s an overview of the Kamratna Tantra:

Background and Origin

The Kamratna Tantra, like many Tantric texts, is believed to have originated in medieval India, a period characterized by the flourishing of Tantric traditions. Tantra itself spans a wide range of practices and philosophies, and the Kamratna Tantra is one of the many texts that contribute to this diverse body of knowledge.

Philosophical Context

Tantra is often divided into several schools or paths, such as Shaiva, Shakta, and Vaishnava traditions, each focusing on different deities and practices. The Kamratna Tantra falls within this broad spectrum but specifics about its sectarian affiliation can vary.

Key Themes and Practices

This book is organised into sixteen chapters known as sixteen upadesh (teachings). While detailed content about Kamratna Tantra might not be as widely understandable as other scriptures, general themes and practices common in Tantric traditions can provide a contextual framework:

  1. Rituals and Mantras: Central to Tantra are rituals that often involve intricate ceremonies, the use of mantras (sacred sounds or phrases), and sometimes complex visualizations.
  2. Meditation Techniques: Tantric practices emphasize meditation, often involving visualization of deities, energy centres in the body (chakras), and the movement of life force (prana) through the body.
  3. Appeasing the Yakshini: In the fifteenth upadesh, or chapter, it talks about rituals to appease the Yakshini. As per the book, once pleased she appears near the meditator and gives a lot of money daily.
  4. Use of Symbols and Mandalas: Tantric texts often describe the use of symbolic diagrams (mandalas) and other ritual tools to aid in meditation and spiritual practices.

Modern Relevance

While historical and scriptural knowledge of Kamratna Tantra may be limited, the broader Tantric practices continue to be relevant and are practised in various forms around the world. Modern practitioners may draw from a wide array of Tantric texts and traditions, adapting ancient practices to contemporary contexts.


The Kamratna Tantra, as part of the rich and diverse Tantric tradition, represents a specific thread within the broader tapestry of spiritual practices aimed at transformation and enlightenment. Whether for academic interest or personal spiritual exploration, studying such texts can provide insights into the profound and often esoteric practices that have shaped spiritual traditions in India and beyond.

Hindi Translations

Three Hindi translations of the book are available in PDF format:

  1. Kamratna Tantra Edited by Ram Kumar Rai – Prachya Prakashan
  2. Kamratna Tantra Edited by Jwala Prasad Mishra
  3. Kamratna Tantra Edited by Pt Shyamsundar Sharmma

Kaamratn Tantra | कामरत्न तंत्र

लेखक :Gauriputra Nityanath| गौरीपुत्र नित्यनाथ
Book Languageहिंदी | Hindi
पुस्तक का साइज़ :
  1. Kamratna Tantra Edited by Ram Kumar Rai – Prachya Prakashan
  2. Kamratna Tantra Edited by Jwala Prasad Mishra (11 MB)
  3. Kamratna Tantra Edited by Pt Shyamsundar Sharmma (2.7 MB)
कुल पृष्ठ :
  1. Kamratna Tantra Edited by Ram Kumar Rai – Prachya Prakashan
  2. Kamratna Tantra Edited by Jwala Prasad Mishra
  3. Kamratna Tantra Edited by Pt Shyamsundar Sharmma (184 pages)
श्रेणी :धार्मिक / Religious, साहित्य / Literature, हिंदू – Hinduism

Kaam Ratn Tantra, Ed by Ram Kumar Rai

                68 MB              

Kaam Ratn Tantra, Tr by Jwala Prasad Mishra

                11 MB              

             Alternate Better scan – 41 MB              

Kaam Ratn Tantra, Tr by Shyam Sundar Sharma

                2.7 MB              

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Author: Gauriputra Nityanath

About the Author:

Nothing much is known about him. Gauriputra Nityanath is a name that might refer to a historical or legendary figure within the vast landscape of Indian spiritual traditions. Gauriputra Nityanath could be a yogi or saint within the Nath tradition, renowned for his spiritual practices and teachings. The Nath tradition has produced many saints and yogis who are revered for their mystical and ascetic achievements.

Key Themes and Practices

If we consider Gauriputra Nityanath within the context of Nath tradition, several key themes and practices emerge:

  • Yoga and Meditation: Central practices in the Nath tradition, focusing on attaining spiritual enlightenment and mastery over the mind and body.
  • Asceticism: Renunciation and ascetic practices are common, emphasizing detachment from worldly desires.
  • Gurus and Lineages: The importance of guru-disciple relationships and the transmission of knowledge through lineages.
  • Symbolism and Mantras: Use of specific symbols and mantras for meditation and spiritual practices.

Modern Relevance

Figures like Gauriputra Nityanath, whether historical, legendary, or symbolic, continue to inspire contemporary spiritual seekers. The Nath tradition and its emphasis on yoga, meditation, and asceticism remain relevant, influencing modern spiritual practices and holistic health approaches. Gauriputra Nityanath represents a fusion of divine and spiritual elements, highlighting the rich tapestry of Indian spiritual traditions.