Phaladeepika : फलदीपिका

Phaladeepika is a Sanskrit treatise on Vedic Predictive astrology written by Mantreswara. The text is written in Sanskrit verses. It comprises 865 slokas and 28 chapters. It is one of the most significant works on Vedic astrology. It is considered to be a companion of other important texts like Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra of Parashara, Brihat Jataka of Varahamihira, and Jataka Parijata of Vaidyanatha Dikshita. It contains various yogas and other advanced topics of Vedic Astrology like Ashtakvarga.

This work is renowned for its comprehensive treatment of predictive astrology, offering detailed insights into the principles and techniques used to interpret horoscopes and predict future events. Phaladeepika is highly regarded for its systematic approach and clarity, making it one of the most influential texts in the field of Vedic astrology.

Overview of Phaladeepika

  1. Authorship and Composition:
    • Author: Phaladeepika is attributed to Mantreswara, an eminent astrologer and sage. Little is known about his life, but his work has had a lasting impact on the study of astrology.
    • Date of Composition: The text is believed to have been composed around the 16th century CE, although the exact date is uncertain.
  2. Structure:
    • Phaladeepika is organized into 28 chapters (Adhyayas), each focusing on different aspects of astrology.
    • The chapters cover a wide range of topics, from the basics of astrology to advanced predictive techniques.
  3. Content and Themes:
    • Fundamental Concepts: Introduction to the basic principles of astrology, including the zodiac signs, planets, houses, and aspects.
    • Planetary Effects: Detailed analysis of the effects of planets in various signs and houses, as well as their combinations (yogas) and aspects.
    • Predictive Techniques: Methods for predicting future events based on planetary positions, transits, and dasha systems (planetary periods).

Key Sections and Themes

  1. Fundamentals of Astrology:
    • Zodiac Signs and Planets: Introduction to the twelve zodiac signs and the nine planets (Navagrahas), including their characteristics, qualities, and significations.
    • Houses (Bhavas): Explanation of the twelve houses in a horoscope, each representing different areas of life such as self, wealth, communication, family, children, health, marriage, and career.
  2. Planetary Effects:
      • Planet in Signs and Houses: Detailed descriptions of the effects of planets when placed in different zodiac signs and houses, considering their natural significations and lordships.
      • Yogas: Analysis of various yogas (planetary combinations) and their impact on an individual’s life, including beneficial yogas like Raja Yoga (indicating power and success) and challenging yogas like Arishta Yoga (indicating obstacles and misfortune).
      • Based on Yogas given in Phaladeepika, Dr. K. S. Charak, the renowned author of ‘Elements of Vedic Astrology’, has proved in his book that Osho Rajneesh was not enlightened and became Yoga Bhrashta. I have summarized his views in this video:

    3. Predictive Astrology:

    • Dasha Systems: Explanation of dasha systems, particularly the Vimshottari Dasha, which is widely used for timing events in Vedic astrology. This system divides a person’s life into periods ruled by different planets, each with specific effects.
    • Transits (Gochar): Analysis of the effects of planetary transits over natal planets and houses, providing insights into current and future trends in an individual’s life.

           4. Advanced Predictive Techniques:

      • Ashtakavarga: Introduction to the ashtakavarga system, which assesses the strength and influence of planets based on their positions in various houses.

In this video, I have explained on the basis of Phaladeepika and Ashtakavarga, how to check whether you will have savings in your account:

Significance and Influence

  1. Astrological Scholarship:
    • Phaladeepika is considered a seminal work in the field of Vedic astrology, offering a comprehensive and systematic approach to understanding and interpreting horoscopes.
    • Its clear explanations and detailed analysis make it an essential text for both novice and experienced astrologers.
  2. Cultural and Religious Context:
    • The text reflects the integration of astrology into the broader cultural and religious framework of Hindu society, where astrology plays a significant role in various life decisions and rituals.
    • It underscores the belief in the cosmic order and the influence of celestial bodies on human life.
  3. Practical Application:
    • Phaladeepika provides practical tools for astrological analysis and prediction, helping individuals understand their horoscopes and make informed decisions about their lives.
    • Its emphasis on yogas and predictive techniques offers valuable guidance for interpreting complex horoscopes.


Phaladeepika stands as a monumental work in the field of Hindu astrology, offering a detailed and systematic exploration of astrological principles and techniques. Attributed to the sage Mantreswara, the text covers a wide range of topics, from the basics of astrology to advanced predictive methods and remedial measures. Its comprehensive approach and clear explanations have made it a foundational text for astrologers, providing valuable insights into the interpretation of horoscopes and the prediction of future events. As a key resource in the study of Jyotisha, Phaladeepika continues to guide and inspire practitioners of Vedic astrology, helping them navigate the complexities of their destinies through the wisdom of the stars.

Please also visit our blog JyotishRahasya for authentic scripture-based Kundali vishleshan (horoscope analysis) and kundli matchmaking. To watch educational videos based on Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra and other scriptures, also subscribe to our Jyotish Rahasya Youtube Channel.

Hindi Translations:

There are two major Hindi Translations published in PDF format:

  1. Phaladeepika, Bhava Bodhini Vyakhya of Gopesh Kumar Ojha
  2. Phaladeepika, Hindi Translation by Harishankar Pathak – Chaukhamba Surabharati

Phaldeepika| फलदीपिका

लेखक :Mantreswara | मंत्रेश्वर
Book Languageहिंदी | Hindi
पुस्तक का साइज़ :Phaladeepika, Bhava Bodhini Vyakhya of Gopesh Kumar Ojha (31 MB)

Phaladeepika, Hindi Translation by Harishankar Pathak – Chaukhamba Surabharati (167 MB)

कुल पृष्ठ :Phaladeepika, Bhava Bodhini Vyakhya of Gopesh Kumar Ojha (684 pages)

Phaladeepika, Hindi Translation by Harishankar Pathak – Chaukhamba Surabharati (396 pages)

श्रेणी :धार्मिक / Religious, साहित्य / Literature, हिंदू – Hinduism
  1. Phaladeepika, Bhava Bodhini Vyakhya of Gopesh Kumar Ojha

             31 MB                

2. Phaladeepika, Hindi Translation by Dr Harishankar Pathak – Chaukhamba Surabharati

Phaladeepika, Tr By Dr Harishankar Pathak
             167 MB                


Author: Mantreshwar
About the Translator:

Mantreswara, also known as Mantreshwara or Mantresvara, is a distinguished figure in the field of Vedic astrology (Jyotisha) and is best known for his seminal work, “Phaladeepika.” This text is one of the most authoritative and comprehensive treatises on predictive astrology, offering detailed insights into the interpretation of horoscopes and the prediction of various life events. Mantreswara’s contributions have significantly shaped the practice and study of Vedic astrology.

Life and Background

Historical Context:

  • Mantreswara is believed to have lived during the medieval period in India, though exact dates of his life remain uncertain. His era is generally placed around the 13th or 14th century CE. The specifics of his personal life, including his place of birth and early education, are not well-documented, but his works suggest a deep and thorough understanding of the astrological sciences and Vedic traditions.

Astrological Tradition:

  • Mantreswara was a part of the rich tradition of Vedic astrology, which is one of the six Vedangas (auxiliary disciplines) associated with the Vedas. This tradition emphasizes the study of celestial bodies and their influence on human life and natural phenomena.

Major Work: Phaladeepika


  • “Phaladeepika,” which translates to “The Lamp of Results,” is Mantreswara’s most renowned work. It is considered one of the classic texts of Vedic astrology and is highly regarded for its systematic and comprehensive approach to predictive astrology.

Key Themes and Teachings:

  1. Interplay of Planets and Houses:
    • Mantreswara emphasizes the intricate interplay between the planets and houses in a horoscope. He provides detailed descriptions of how planetary positions and aspects influence different areas of life.
  2. Comprehensive Analysis:
    • “Phaladeepika” is noted for its thorough and comprehensive approach to horoscope analysis. Mantreswara covers all aspects of astrology, from the fundamentals to advanced predictive techniques.
  3. Practical Application:
    • The text is designed to be practical and user-friendly, making it accessible to both novice and experienced astrologers. Mantreswara’s clear explanations and systematic methods provide valuable tools for accurate and insightful predictions.
  4. Balance of Fate and Free Will:
    • Mantreswara integrates the concept of karma, suggesting that while planetary influences are significant, individuals also have the capacity for free will and self-determination. He advocates for the use of astrological remedies to mitigate adverse effects and enhance one’s life path.

Influence and Legacy

Astrological Community:

  • “Phaladeepika” has been a cornerstone text in the study and practice of Vedic astrology for centuries. Its detailed and systematic approach has made it a standard reference for astrologers seeking to deepen their understanding and refine their predictive skills.

Educational Impact:

  • The text is widely used in the education and training of astrologers. Its comprehensive coverage and practical insights make it an essential resource for students and practitioners of Jyotisha.

Cultural Significance:

  • Vedic astrology remains an integral part of Hindu culture, influencing decisions related to marriage, career, health, and other aspects of life. Mantreswara’s contributions have helped preserve and propagate this ancient knowledge, ensuring its continued relevance in contemporary society.


Mantreswara, through his seminal work “Phaladeepika,” has made significant contributions to the field of Vedic astrology. His detailed and systematic approach to astrological interpretation has provided valuable insights and practical tools for generations of astrologers. The enduring legacy of his teachings reflects his profound understanding of Jyotisha and his dedication to advancing the field. Mantreswara’s work continues to inspire and guide practitioners, preserving the rich tradition of Vedic astrology for future generations.