
Hindu philosophy is traditionally divided into six āstika (Sanskrit: आस्तिक “orthodox”) schools of thought, or darśanam (दर्शनम्, “view”), which accept the Vedas as the supreme revealed scriptures. The schools are:

  1. Samkhya, an non theistic and strongly dualist theoretical exposition of consciousness and matter.
    2. Yoga, a school emphasizing meditation, contemplation and liberation.
    3. Nyaya or logic, explores sources of knowledge. Nyāya Sūtras.
    4. Vaisheshika, an empiricist school of atomism
    5. Mimāṃsā, an anti-ascetic and anti-mysticist school of orthopraxy
    6. Vedanta, the last segment of knowledge in the Vedas, or the ‘Jnan’ (knowledge) ‘Kanda’ (section).

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