Bhava Kutuhalam : भाव कुतूहलम

Bhava Kutuhalam” is an influential text in the field of Vedic astrology (Jyotisha), attributed to the scholar Jeevnath. The book provides detailed insights into the astrological houses (Bhavas) and their significance in an individual’s horoscope. Here’s an introduction to the Bhava Kutuhalam:

Overview of Bhava Kutuhalam


  • Meaning: “Bhava Kutuhalam” translates to “The Curiosity of Houses,” indicating the text’s focus on exploring the astrological houses and their implications in a person’s life.

Content and Structure

  • Primary Focus: The text is dedicated to the study of the twelve astrological houses (Bhavas) in a horoscope and how they influence various aspects of life.
  • Structure: The book is organized into seventeen chapters, each chapter having a different number of shlokas or verses. Each of those 17 chapters deals with a different aspect of Astrology.

Key Concepts

  1. Bhavas (Astrological Houses)
    • Definition: Bhavas are the twelve divisions of the celestial sphere in Vedic astrology, each representing different aspects of life.
    • Significance: Each Bhava or house has a specific meaning, such as the 1st house representing the self, the 2nd house representing wealth, the 7th house representing partnerships, etc.
  2. Planetary Influences
      • Grahas (Planets): The text details the influence of the nine planets (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu) on the Bhavas.
      • Yogas (Combinations): It explores various planetary combinations (yogas) and their effects on an individual’s life, providing predictions based on these influences.
      • In the following video, I have explained the Kanak Mani Yog, from Bhava Kutuhalam, which gives a dream house to the ascendant. I have also analysed the kundali of Ajay Devgan, the actor:

  3. Interpretation Techniques
    • Horoscope Analysis: The book provides methods for interpreting horoscopes by examining the positions and interactions of planets within the Bhavas.
    • Predictive Astrology: It offers guidelines for making predictions about various life events, such as career, marriage, health, and wealth, based on the astrological chart.

Importance and Influence

Contribution to Vedic Astrology

  • Comprehensive Analysis: Bhava Kutuhalam is renowned for its comprehensive analysis of the twelve houses and their significances, making it a crucial reference for astrologers.
  • Practical Applications: The text serves as a practical guide for astrologers, offering techniques for horoscope interpretation and prediction that are still used today.

Cultural and Historical Impact

  • Astrological Tradition: The book has played a significant role in shaping the practice of Vedic astrology, influencing generations of astrologers and scholars.
  • Historical Context: Bhoja’s contributions, including Bhava Kutuhalam, reflect the rich intellectual and cultural heritage of medieval India, showcasing the interdisciplinary interests of scholars at that time.

Modern Relevance

Study and Practice

  • Astrological Education: Bhava Kutuhalam continues to be an essential text in the study and practice of Vedic astrology. It is often included in the curriculum of astrological studies.
  • Continued Usage: The techniques and interpretations provided in the text are still utilized by modern astrologers to analyze horoscopes and make predictions.

Preservation and Translation

  • Preservation Efforts: Efforts to preserve and disseminate the knowledge contained in Bhava Kutuhalam include translations into various languages and digital archiving.
  • Accessibility: The text is accessible to both scholars and practitioners of astrology, ensuring its continued relevance and application in contemporary times.


Bhava Kutuhalam by Jeevnath is a seminal work in Vedic astrology, offering detailed insights into the twelve astrological houses and their influence on various aspects of life. The text’s comprehensive analysis, practical guidelines, and interpretative techniques have made it a cornerstone of astrological literature. Bhoja’s contributions through this work continue to influence and guide astrologers, preserving the rich tradition of Vedic astrology and its relevance in modern times.

Hindi Translations

There are two major Hindi Translations of the book Bhava Kutuhalam, available in PDF format:

Bhava Kutuhalam with Utsaha Vardhaniya Bhashya by Ramotsaha Mishra Sharma Varanasi – Thakur Prasad Pustak Bhandar

Two different people have scanned the same book, and thus, there are two versions available.

           Version 1 – 61 MB        :

           Version 2 – 78 MB        :

Bhaav Kutuhalam – Khemraj Shri Krishndas Publishers

           86 MB        :


Author: Jeevnath

Jeevnath, the author of Bhava Kutuhalam, is a notable figure in the field of Vedic astrology. His work focuses on the intricate details of astrological houses (Bhavas) and their significance in an individual’s horoscope. While there is limited biographical information available about Jeevnath, his contributions through Bhava Kutuhalam have been influential in the study and practice of astrology.

Jeevnath, through his work Bhava Kutuhalam, has made significant contributions to the field of Vedic astrology. His detailed examination of the astrological houses and their influences provides valuable insights into horoscope interpretation and prediction. The text’s comprehensive analysis and practical guidelines have made it a cornerstone of astrological literature, continuing to guide and influence astrologers in their practice.