Jatakalankara : जातकालंकार

“Jatakalankar” is a notable work in the field of Vedic astrology (Jyotisha), which is an ancient Indian system of astrology and astronomy. The text was written in around 1613 AD and is attributed to renowned astrologer Ganesh Kavi, who lived during the medieval period in India. “Jatakalankar” is considered an important classical text in Jyotisha literature, providing detailed guidelines and principles for interpreting astrological charts and making predictions based on them.

Overview and Significance

Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha):

  • Jyotisha, one of the six Vedangas (auxiliary disciplines associated with the study and understanding of the Vedas), is the traditional Hindu system of astrology. It encompasses the study of celestial bodies and their influence on human life and natural phenomena.

Purpose of Jatakalankar:

  • “Jatakalankar” serves as a comprehensive guide for astrologers, outlining methods for creating and interpreting natal charts (horoscopes) to predict various aspects of an individual’s life, such as health, career, marriage, and personal traits.

Structure and Content

Organization of Text:

  • It is divided into seven chapters:
    1. Sangyadhyaya – Basic points
    2. Bhavadhyaya – Kundali has 12 houses. It deals with bad yogas related to various houses.
    3. Yogadhyaya – One important yoga mentioned in this chapter is related to Heart Diseases.
    4. Vishkanya Yoga
    5. Aayurdayadhyay – Longevity
    6. Vyatya bhav faladhaya – Exchange of signs
    7. Vanshadhyay – It also has some details of the author

Core Principles:

  • The text covers fundamental principles of Vedic astrology, including the influence of the nine primary celestial bodies (Navagrahas), the twelve zodiac signs (Rashis), and the twelve houses (Bhavas) in a horoscope. It explains how these elements interact to shape an individual’s destiny.

Techniques and Methods:

  • “Jatakalankar” delves into various astrological techniques and methods, such as:
    • Graha Dasha (Planetary Periods): Explains the system of planetary periods and their impact on different phases of life.
    • Yoga (Planetary Combinations): Describes special combinations of planets that can significantly influence an individual’s life, including auspicious (Raja Yogas) and inauspicious (Doshas) yogas.
    • Bhava Phala (House Results): Details the significance of each house in the horoscope and the results of planetary placements in these houses.
    • Gochar (Transits): Discusses the effects of planetary transits on an individual’s horoscope.

Predictions and Remedies:

  • The text provides guidelines for making accurate predictions based on astrological charts. It also suggests remedies to mitigate negative influences and enhance positive outcomes, including the use of mantras, gemstones, and rituals.

Key Themes and Teachings

Interconnection of Celestial and Terrestrial:

  • “Jatakalankar” emphasizes the interconnectedness of celestial events and human life. It teaches that the positions and movements of planets and stars at the time of birth influence an individual’s personality, behaviour, and life events.

Role of Karma:

  • The text integrates the concept of karma, suggesting that an individual’s past actions influence their present circumstances. Astrological readings are seen as a way to understand and navigate these influences.

Practical Guidance:

  • “Jatakalankar” serves as a practical manual for astrologers, offering systematic methods for analyzing horoscopes and making predictions. It aims to provide astrologers with the tools to offer meaningful guidance to individuals seeking insights into their lives.

Influence and Legacy

Astrological Tradition:

  • “Jatakalankar” is regarded as an authoritative text within the Jyotisha tradition. It has been studied and referenced by generations of astrologers, contributing to the continuity and development of Vedic astrology.

Cultural Impact:

  • Vedic astrology plays a significant role in Hindu culture, influencing decisions related to marriage, career, health, and other aspects of life. Texts like “Jatakalankar” have helped preserve and propagate this ancient knowledge.

Educational Value:

  • The text is used in the education and training of aspiring astrologers, providing a structured approach to learning the principles and practices of Vedic astrology.


“Jatakalankar” by Ganesh Kavi is a foundational work in the field of Vedic astrology, offering detailed guidance on creating and interpreting horoscopes. Its comprehensive treatment of astrological principles and techniques has made it an essential resource for astrologers and students of Jyotisha. The text’s emphasis on the interconnection between celestial events and human life, along with its practical insights, continues to influence the practice and understanding of Vedic astrology in contemporary times.

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Translations and Commentaries:

There are three Hindi translations available in PDF format.

  1. Jatakalankara Tr. By Dr Suresh Chandra Mishr
  2. Jatakalankara Tr. By Satyendra Mishr
  3. Jatakalankara Tr. By Budh Vasti Ram

Jatakalankar | जातकालंकार

लेखक :Ganesh Kavi | गणेश कवि
Book Languageहिंदी | Hindi
पुस्तक का साइज़ :
  1. Jatakalankara Tr. By Dr Suresh Chandra Mishr (62 MB)
  2. Jatakalankara Tr. By Satyendra Mishr (0.5 MB)
  3. Jatakalankara Tr. By Budh Basti Ram (25.41 MB)
कुल पृष्ठ :
  1. Jatakalankara Tr. By Dr Suresh Chandra Mishr (178 pages)
  2. Jatakalankara Tr. By Satyendra Mishr (116 pages)
  3. Jatakalankara Tr. By Budh Basti Ram (84 pages)
श्रेणी :धार्मिक / Religious, साहित्य / Literature, हिंदू – Hinduism
  1. Jatakalankar, Tr By Dr. Suresh Chandra Mishr (63 MB)

2. Jatakalankara Tr. By Satyendra Mishr (0.5 MB)

3. Jatakalankara Tr. By Budh Basti Ram Shastri (25.41 MB)

Author: Ganesh Kavi
About the Translator:

Ganesh Kavi, also known as Ganesa Daivajna or Ganesh Daivajna, is a notable figure in the field of Vedic astrology (Jyotisha) and is traditionally credited with authoring the “Jatakalankar.” His works are highly regarded in the astrological community for their depth, clarity, and practical application. Ganesh Kavi’s contributions have had a lasting impact on the practice and understanding of astrology in India.

Life and Background

Historical Context:

  • There is limited information available about the specific details of Ganesh Kavi’s life, including his exact dates of birth and death. However, it is generally believed that he lived during the medieval period in India, a time when astrology and other scholarly pursuits were highly esteemed.

Title and Recognition:

  • The honorific “Kavi” suggests that Ganesh was not only an astrologer but also a poet and scholar. This indicates his proficiency in Sanskrit literature and his ability to convey complex astrological concepts in a poetic and accessible manner.

Major Contributions


  • Content and Significance: The “Jatakalankar” is Ganesh Kavi’s most famous work. It serves as a comprehensive guide to Vedic astrology, providing detailed instructions on the interpretation of natal charts and the prediction of various life events.
  • Structure: The text is organized systematically, covering fundamental astrological principles, planetary influences, house significations, yogas (planetary combinations), dashas (planetary periods), and transits.
  • Practical Application: “Jatakalankar” is known for its practical approach, making it a valuable resource for both novice and experienced astrologers. It emphasizes the importance of accurate calculations and thoughtful interpretations.

Other Works:

  • Although “Jatakalankar” is his most well-known work, Ganesh Kavi is believed to have authored other texts and commentaries on astrology.

Key Themes and Teachings

Interconnection of Celestial and Terrestrial:

  • Ganesh Kavi’s writings highlight the interconnectedness of celestial events and human experiences. He elaborates on how planetary positions at the time of birth influence an individual’s personality, fate, and life path.

Astrological Techniques:

  • Graha Dasha (Planetary Periods): He provides insights into the system of planetary periods and their impact on different phases of life.
  • Yoga (Planetary Combinations): Ganesh Kavi discusses auspicious and inauspicious planetary combinations, explaining their significance and effects.
  • Bhava Phala (House Results): The text details the significance of each house in a horoscope and the results of planetary placements in these houses.
  • Gochar (Transits): He elaborates on the effects of planetary transits on an individual’s life and how to interpret these movements accurately.

Karma and Free Will:

  • Ganesh Kavi integrates the concept of karma into his astrological teachings, suggesting that while planetary influences are significant, individuals also have the capacity for free will and self-determination. This balance between fate and free will is a recurring theme in his work.

Influence and Legacy

Astrological Tradition:

  • Ganesh Kavi’s “Jatakalankar” has become a cornerstone text in the study of Vedic astrology. Its systematic approach and comprehensive coverage have made it an essential resource for astrologers seeking to deepen their knowledge and refine their practice.

Educational Impact:

  • The text is widely used in the education and training of astrologers. Its clear explanations and practical guidelines help students and practitioners develop a thorough understanding of astrological principles and techniques.

Cultural Significance:

  • Vedic astrology remains an integral part of Hindu culture, influencing various aspects of life such as marriage, career, health, and spirituality. Ganesh Kavi’s contributions have helped preserve and propagate this ancient knowledge, ensuring its continued relevance in contemporary society.


Ganesh Kavi, through his seminal work “Jatakalankar,” has made significant contributions to the field of Vedic astrology. His detailed and systematic approach to astrological interpretation has provided valuable insights and practical tools for generations of astrologers. The enduring legacy of his teachings reflects his profound understanding of Jyotisha and his dedication to advancing the field. Ganesh Kavi’s work continues to inspire and guide practitioners, preserving the rich tradition of Vedic astrology for future generations.