Kautilya Arthashastra : कौटिल्य अर्थशास्त्र

Kautilya’s Arthashastra

The Arthashastra, authored by Kautilya (also known as Chanakya or Vishnugupt), is one of the most significant ancient Indian treatises on statecraft, economics, and military strategy. Written around the 4th century BCE, it is a comprehensive guide for rulers on how to manage governance, diplomacy, war, taxation, and trade. Often referred to as a manual for kings and ministers, the Arthashastra offers practical and strategic advice on how to maintain power, protect the state, and ensure the welfare of the people.

The text covers a wide range of topics, including:

  1. Politics and Governance – It provides guidelines on administration, the duties of a king, and the structure of the government.
  2. Economics – It deals with agriculture, trade, markets, and taxation, giving insights into how to run a prosperous economy.
  3. Military Strategy – Kautilya outlines strategies for war, defense, and the expansion of the kingdom.
  4. Law and Order – The work includes legal principles and criminal justice to maintain peace and stability.
  5. International Relations – The Arthashastra delves into diplomacy, alliances, and how to deal with neighboring states.

One of the standout features of the Arthashastra is its pragmatic approach to governance, emphasizing realpolitik over idealism. Kautilya advocates for the use of espionage, deception, and alliances, if necessary, to achieve the desired goals. This realism has led to comparisons with Machiavelli’s “The Prince”, although the Arthashastra was written much earlier.

I have presented some insights from Kautilya Arthashastra and Mahabharata regarding how these texts recommend Astrologers in the Mantriparishad. Check out this video:

Despite its sometimes harsh recommendations, the Arthashastra also stresses the moral duty of a king to prioritize the welfare of his subjects and maintain ethical standards in governance. It provides a balance between authoritarian rule and the king’s responsibility towards his people.

The Arthashastra remains a timeless text, with its teachings still relevant in modern discussions on governance, diplomacy, and economics. It stands as a monumental work in the history of Indian political thought, reflecting the depth of Kautilya’s understanding of human nature, power, and statecraft.

Hindi Translations:


Kautilya Arthshastra | कौटिल्य अथवा कौटिलीय अर्थशास्त्र

लेखक :Chankya | चाणक्य
Book Languageहिंदी | Hindi
पुस्तक का साइज़ :Various
कुल पृष्ठ :Various
श्रेणी :धार्मिक / Religious, साहित्य / Literature, हिंदू – Hinduism
Kautiliya Arthshastra, Translated by Udayveer Shastri

            Version 1 –  48 MB                

            Version 2 – 41 MB                


Kautilya Arthshaastr Evm Chanakya Sutra Vachaspati Gairola Chowkambha

             31 MB                


Kautilya Arthshastra – Prof Prannath Vidyalankar (BHU) – MLBD (1923)

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Kautiliya Arthshastra, Uni Notes

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Prashasnik Chintak (Ref Arthshastra) (Uttarakhand Open Uni)

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Kautilya Ka Arthshashtra – Anil Kumar Mishr (Prabhaat Prakashan)

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One of the most remarkable text based on Kautilya Arthshastra is Kaamandakeey Neeti Saar.

Kamandkiya Nitisar – Tr by Jwalaprasad Mishr

             9 MB                


Research and Theses

Quite a few scholars have done extensive research on Kautilya Arthshastra. Most of their reseaerch papers and theses are available on the Shodhganga Website, the reservoir of over 5 lakhs theses from Indian Universities. Students are encouraged to visit there. I am sharing some of the important theses here as well:


Arthshastra Ki Parmpara Aur Shukr Neetisaar – 473p (DDU) (2016) – Thesis

             3 MB                

Chaturvarg Ki Dharm Shastriya Avdharna – Sandeep Kr Gupt (2011) – Thesis

             50 MB                


Kaamandak Neetisaar Me Rajya Vyavastha – Adhunik Parivesh Me – Shivani Vaishya (2008) – Thesis

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Kaamandakeey Neeti Saar Me Varnit Shaasan Vyavastha – Seema Singh (2015) – Thesis

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Kautiliya Arthashastra aur Shukraneeti Me Pratipadit Saptang Ka Anusheelan – (2008) – Mini Thesis

             2 MB                


Kautilya Arthshastra Me Rajtantra – Vishnuchandra Tripathi (2000) – Thesis

             10 MB                

Kautilya Ke Arthshasthra Me Ayurvedeeya Parampara Evm Aushadhi Vanaspathiyaan- (2012) – Mini Thesis

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Kautilya Ki Rajya Vyavastha Ka Parvarti Yug Par Prabhaav – Rajendra Kr (2008) – Thesis

             39 MB                


Kautilyokt Yuddh Neeti – Ek Vishleshanatmak Adhyayan – Shilpa Pandey (2014) – Thesis

             23 MB                

Mahabharat Evm Arthshaastr Me Varnit Raj Vyavastha – (2002) – Thesis

            12 MB                


Manu Tatha Kautilya Evm Bharatiya Rajneeti (Modern Context) – Kiran Pandey (2007) – Thesis

             105 MB                

Pracheen Bhaarat Me Antarrashtriya Sambandh – Rashmi Agrawal (2007) – Thesis

             48 MB                

Pracheen Bhaarat Me Saptaang Rajya Ki Avdharna – Sapna Singh (2002) – Thesis

             38 MB                


Pracheen Bharat Mein Dand Evm Nyay Vyavastha (Ref – Mahabharat, Kautilya, Shukra) – Meenakshi Singh (2022) – Thesis

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Prachen Vyavhaar Shaastr Me Varnit Bhritya – Bipan Sharma (2017) – Thesis

            1.6 MB                


Pramukh Neeti Grantho Me Prabandhakeey Siddhant – Anil Kumar (2015) – Thesis

             1.25 MB                

Raja Aur Rajtantriya Shasan Vyavastha (Kautilya Drishtikon) – Geetali Rastogi, 370p (1998) – Thesis

            141 MB                

Sanskrit Sahitya Me Lok Prashasan Ke Tattva – Nisha Rani (2016) – Thesis

             1.72 MB                



Author: Vishnugupt (Kautilya or Chanakya)

Introduction to Vishnugupt (Kautilya)

Vishnugupt, more commonly known as Kautilya or Chanakya, was one of ancient India’s most prominent and influential scholars. He is best known as the author of the Arthashastra, a comprehensive treatise on statecraft, economics, military strategy, and governance. Believed to have lived around the 4th century BCE, Vishnugupt served as the chief advisor and mentor to Chandragupta Maurya, the founder of the Maurya Empire.

Born in the ancient region of Takshashila, a great center of learning, Vishnugupt was a master of political science, economics, diplomacy, and war strategy. His work, the Arthashastra, is widely regarded as one of the earliest examples of political realism, providing a detailed guide on how a ruler should manage his kingdom, finances, diplomacy, and military to ensure prosperity and stability.

Vishnugupt’s influence extended beyond his writings; he is credited with playing a crucial role in the rise of the Maurya Empire by helping Chandragupta overthrow the Nanda dynasty. His intellectual brilliance, strategic thinking, and far-reaching vision made him a key figure in Indian history, often compared to Western philosophers like Machiavelli for his pragmatism and insights into power dynamics.

Though remembered as a stern strategist, Vishnugupt was also deeply concerned with the welfare of the state and its people, advocating for ethical governance, fair taxation, and economic prosperity. The Arthashastra remains a timeless classic, studied not only for its historical value but also for its relevance in modern political and economic thought.