Manas Manthan : मानस मंथन

Quite a few books titled ‘Manas Manthan’ have been written on Tulsidas and Ramcharitmanas. They examine the various aspects of Tulsidas’s Ramcharitmanas.

I am sharing those versions, which are digitally available in PDF Format.

1. Manas Manthan Ratna 1 Kanpur Ram Kimkar Upadhyaya – Tulsi Tattvanusandhan Kendra

           26 MB        :

2. Manas Manthan Hanumat Charitra – Part 2 Pt. Ram Kinkar Upadhyaya

           127 MB        :

3. Manas Manthan Part 4 Lakshman Charitra – Ram Kinkar Ji Upadhyaya

           83 MB        :

4. Manas Manthan (TULSI KE PRATI ANYAY) – Tansukh Ram Gupt (Rare Book Lucknow Library)

“Manas Manthan” of Tansukh Ram Gupt  is a rare and controversial book that challenges the traditional interpretations of the Ramcharitmanas. The author argues that conventional translations have overlooked the proper use of dictionaries, thereby doing injustice to the original intent of Tulsidas. By offering new interpretations of verses based on dictionary definitions, the book rejects long-standing traditions and re-examines the epic from a fresh, critical perspective. This work sparks a debate between tradition and modern analysis, questioning whether the true essence of Ramcharitmanas has been lost in translation.

Check out my video on this controversial topic:

           3.27 MB        :

5. Manas Manthan – Dr Baldev Prasad Mishr (Naval Kishore Press) ,313p (1939)

           11.43 MB        :

6. Manas Manthan – Dr Swaminath Sharma (Rare Book Lucknow Library)

           8.35MB        :

For other Commentary and books on Ramcharitmanas, visit my Ramcharitmanas page.


For research on theses on Ramcharitmanas, visit my Theses on Ramcharitmanas page.




Various books titled Manas Manthan on Ramcharitmanas. Through comprehensive analysis and exploration, scholars have appreciated and propagated the timeless wisdom encapsulated in the Ramcharitmanas of Tulsidas.