Mantra Ramayanam : मन्त्र रामायणम्

Mantra Ramayanam is a collection of 157 verses from Vedas and its interpretation by Neelkanth Chaturdhar. The author has presented his commentary on these verses saying that these verses explain the story of Ramayana. The author proves that Ramayana is approved by Vedas. The author has presented his commentary in Sanskrit.

Overview of Mantra Ramayanam

  1. Nature and Composition:
    • The Mantra Ramayanam is not a narrative retelling of the Ramayana’s story but rather a compilation of key verses and hymns from various Vedas.
    • These verses are often interpreted in other ways by other Vedic experts. However, Neelkanth has interpreted them, highlighting their integration with Ramayana.
  2. Purpose and Usage:
      • The primary purpose of the Mantra Ramayanam is to facilitate devotion (bhakti) and spiritual practice (sadhana) by integrating Vedas and Ramayana, thus boosting faith.
      • Unfortunately, it is not known to the masses, and thus, people don’t use it in their regular religious life. Some people even think that Ramayana is against Vedas as they have misconception that Vedas don’t say anything about incarnation or Ramayana. Please check out my video, which brings clarity on this matter:


           3. Content and Themes:

    • Devotional Hymns: The text includes verses that glorify Lord Rama, Sita, Hanuman, and other key characters, focusing on their divine attributes and deeds.
    • Spiritual Wisdom: Many of the mantras convey deep philosophical insights and teachings on dharma (righteousness), karma (action), and bhakti (devotion).
    • Protective Chants: Some verses are believed to have protective and purifying qualities, often recited for the well-being and protection of individuals and households.

Key Sections and Themes

  1. Invocations and prayers:
    • The text begins with invocations to the Guru of Neelkanth. Thus it reminds the readers that Valmiki also had to get a guru’s guidance to write Ramayana.
    • These prayers set a devotional tone and prepare the mind for deeper engagement with the mantras.
  2. Verses from the Ramayana:
    • Key verses from various Vedas are included, which are considered especially auspicious and powerful.
    • These verses recount significant events, such as Rama’s birth, his exile, the abduction of Sita, and the final victory over Ravana.
  3. Hymns of Praise:
    • The Mantra Ramayanam features hymns that extol the virtues and divine qualities of Rama, Sita, Hanuman, and other characters.
    • These can be recited to cultivate devotion and connect with the divine essence of the epic’s characters.
  4. Philosophical Teachings:
    • Embedded within the mantras are teachings on ethics, the nature of the self, and the principles of righteous living.
    • These teachings offer guidance on leading a life aligned with dharma and spiritual values.
  5. Meditative and Protective Mantras:
    • Certain mantras are intended for meditation and contemplation, helping practitioners focus their minds and attain spiritual peace.
    • Protective mantras are recited to ward off negative influences and to ensure safety and prosperity.

Significance and Influence

  1. Devotional Practice:
    • The Mantra Ramayanam plays a crucial role in the devotional practices of Hindus, providing a means to worship and connect with Lord Rama.
    • It is especially important to rational people who want Vedic proof of their religious practices.
  2. Spiritual Enrichment:
    • The text enriches the spiritual lives of practitioners by offering a structured way to engage with the sacred verses of the Vedas.
    • Recitation of these mantras is believed to purify the mind, elevate consciousness, and bring the devotee closer to the divine.
  3. Cultural and Religious Importance:
    • The Mantra Ramayanam contributes to the preservation and propagation of the Ramayana’s spiritual heritage.
    • It serves as a bridge between the narrative aspects of the Ramayana and Vedic devotional practices of Hindu worship.

Notable Features

  1. Sacred Recitations:
    • The focus on mantras highlights the oral and aural traditions of Hindu spirituality, emphasizing the power of sound and vibration in spiritual practice.
    • The text can be used for regular recitation and chanting, which are key aspects of many Hindu rituals and personal sadhanas.
  2. Integration of Devotion and Philosophy:
    • The Mantra Ramayanam seamlessly integrates devotional fervor with philosophical depth, offering a holistic spiritual resource.
    • This integration appeals to both the heart and the mind, making it accessible to a wide range of practitioners.
  3. Versatility and Accessibility:
    • The text’s concise format makes it accessible to both scholars and lay devotees, allowing for flexible use in various contexts.
    • Its verses can be easily memorized and recited, making it a practical tool for daily worship and meditation.

The Mantra Ramayanam is a cherished spiritual resource that encapsulates the devotional and philosophical essence of the Ramayana through its sacred verses and hymns. It offers a profound way to engage with the epic, providing both spiritual inspiration and practical guidance for devotees. Whether used in personal practice or communal worship, the Mantra Ramayanam continues to inspire and elevate the spiritual lives of countless individuals, maintaining its revered status in Hindu tradition.

There are two major Hindi translations of the book available in pdf format:

  1. Mantra Ramayanam, Edited by Ram Kumar Ray (Prachya Prakashan, Varanasi)
  2. Mantra Ramayanam, Edited by Dr. Prabhunath Dvivedi (Uttar Pradesh Sanskrit Sansthan)

Mantra Ramayanam |

मन्त्र रामायणम्:

लेखक :Neelkanth Chaturdhar | नीलकंठ चतुर्धर
Book Languageहिंदी | Hindi
पुस्तक का साइज़ :
  1. Mantra Ramayanam, Edited by Ram Kumar Ray (Prachya Prakashan, Varanasi) – 50 MB
  2. Mantra Ramayanam, Edited by Dr. Prabhunath Dvivedi (Uttar Pradesh Sanskrit Sansthan) – 14 MB
कुल पृष्ठ :
  1. Mantra Ramayanam, Edited by Ram Kumar Ray (Prachya Prakashan, Varanasi) – 145 pages
  2. Mantra Ramayanam, Edited by Dr. Prabhunath Dvivedi (Uttar Pradesh Sanskrit Sansthan) – 156 pages
श्रेणी :धार्मिक / Religious, साहित्य / Literature, हिंदू – Hinduism


Mantra Ramayanam, Edited by Ram Kumar Ray (Prachya Prakashan, Varanasi)


Mantra Ramayanam, Edited by Dr. Prabhunath Dvivedi (Uttar Pradesh Sanskrit Sansthan)



Author: Neelkanth Chaturdhar
About the author: