Vimanika Shastra : विमानिका शास्त्र

Vaimānika Shāstra

The Vaimānika Śāstra or Brihad Vimana Shastra (वैमानिक शास्त्र, lit. “science of aeronautics”, sometimes also rendered Vimanika, Vymanika, Vyamanika) is a Sanskrit Text that describes ancient flying machines, known as Vimanas, purportedly used in ancient India. Its content has sparked significant interest and debate among scholars, historians, and enthusiasts of ancient technologies and UFO theories. Here’s a detailed overview of the Vimanika Shastra:

Background and Origin

  • Discovery: The Vimanika Shastra was brought to public attention in the early 20th century. It was allegedly dictated by the sage Bharadwaja and transcribed by a man named Pandit Subbaraya Shastry between 1918 and 1923.
  • Publication: The text was first published in Hindi in 1959, followed by an English translation in 1973 by G.R. Josyer, who claimed to have found the manuscript in 1952.

Content and Themes

The Vimanika Shastra is divided into eight chapters and covers various aspects of Vimanas, including their construction, propulsion methods, pilots, and types. Here are some of the key themes and content areas:

  1. Types of Vimanas: The text describes four main types of Vimanas, each with unique features and capabilities. These are:
    • Shakuna Vimana
    • Sundara Vimana
    • Rukma Vimana
    • Tripura Vimana
  2. Construction and Materials: Detailed descriptions are provided for the materials and metals required to build Vimanas, along with their specific properties. The text also mentions various alloys and their preparation methods.
  3. Propulsion Methods: The Vimanika Shastra outlines several propulsion methods, including solar power, wind power, and a mysterious anti-gravity technology. These descriptions often appear to be a mix of mysticism and early scientific speculation.
  4. Pilot Training and Clothing: The text includes instructions for training pilots, known as “Vimana-vidya,” and details on their attire and equipment. It also mentions the importance of mental and physical preparation for flying Vimanas.
  5. Technological Descriptions: Various technological components, such as mirrors and lenses, are described and purportedly used for navigation, defence, and stealth. The text also includes diagrams of these devices.
  6. Mystical and Esoteric Elements: The Vimanika Shastra incorporates elements of mysticism, such as the invocation of certain mantras and the use of sacred geometry in Vimana construction.

Controversies and Criticisms

  • Authenticity: The authenticity of the Vimanika Shastra is widely debated. Critics argue that it is a modern creation rather than an ancient text, pointing to the lack of references in earlier Vedic or post-Vedic literature.
  • Technical Plausibility: Scholars and engineers have examined the technical descriptions in the text and found many to be impractical or scientifically implausible. For example, the materials and technologies described often do not align with known historical capabilities.
  • Linguistic Analysis: Linguistic studies suggest that the language and style of the Vimanika Shastra are inconsistent with ancient Sanskrit texts, indicating a more recent origin.

Cultural Impact

Despite controversies, the Vimanika Shastra has had a significant cultural impact:

  • Popular Culture: The text has inspired numerous works of fiction, films, and speculative theories about ancient advanced civilizations and extraterrestrial influences on human history.
  • Ancient Astronaut Theory: Proponents of the ancient astronaut theory often cite the Vimanika Shastra as evidence of advanced technology in ancient India, although mainstream scholars remain skeptical.

Modern Relevance

  • Historical Interest: The Vimanika Shastra remains a subject of interest for those studying the history of science, technology, and mythology in India.
  • Alternative History: It continues to fascinate alternative historians and those exploring the possibility of ancient advanced civilizations.


The Vimanika Shastra is a text that blends myth, mysticism, and speculative technology. While its authenticity and technical accuracy are highly debated, it continues to capture the imagination of those intrigued by the possibility of ancient flying machines and the mysteries of ancient India. Whether viewed as a historical curiosity, a piece of literary fiction, or a source of alternative historical theories, the Vimanika Shastra remains an enigmatic and fascinating text.

The text has gained popularity among proponents of ancient alien and ancient astronauts theory beleivers.

Vaimānika Shāstra | विमानिका शास्त्र

लेखक :Sage Bhardwaj | महर्षि भरद्वाज
Book Languageहिंदी | Hindi
पुस्तक का साइज़ :13.2 MB
कुल पृष्ठ :368 pages
श्रेणी :धार्मिक / Religious, साहित्य / Literature, हिंदू – Hinduism

Author: Sage Bhardwaj
About the author:

Sage Bharadwaja is a revered figure in Indian mythology and ancient literature, known for his contributions to various fields including Vedic literature, philosophy, and ancient sciences. The attribution of the Vimanika Shastra to Sage Bharadwaja adds an intriguing dimension to his already rich legacy. Here’s an introduction to Sage Bharadwaja and his connection to the Vimanika Shastra:

Sage Bharadwaja: A Brief Overview

Historical and Mythological Context

  • Vedic Rishi: Sage Bharadwaja is one of the Saptarishis (Seven Great Sages) in Hindu tradition. He is credited with composing significant portions of the Rigveda, one of the oldest known scriptures.
  • Lineage: Bharadwaja is believed to be the son of Sage Brihaspati, who is the preceptor of the gods (Devas). His lineage is considered prestigious and is associated with great wisdom and spiritual knowledge.
  • Contributions to Vedic Literature: Apart from his contributions to the Rigveda, Bharadwaja is also mentioned in other Vedic texts and Puranas, where he is depicted as a sage of immense knowledge and spiritual power.

Contributions and Teachings

  • Rigveda: Bharadwaja composed hymns in the Rigveda, focusing on various deities and aspects of nature. His hymns reflect deep philosophical insights and devotion.
  • Ayurveda: He is also credited with contributions to Ayurveda (ancient Indian medicine). Texts like Charaka Samhita reference his medical knowledge.
  • Education and Disciples: Bharadwaja’s ashram (hermitage) was a renowned center of learning, attracting numerous disciples, including the famous sage Drona, who later became a key figure in the Mahabharata.

Vimanika Shastra and Bharadwaja

Alleged Authorship

  • Vimanika Shastra: The Vimanika Shastra, a text describing ancient flying machines (Vimanas), is attributed to Sage Bharadwaja. The text was claimed to have been dictated by Bharadwaja and transcribed by Pandit Subbaraya Shastry in the early 20th century.
  • Mystical Knowledge: The text suggests that Bharadwaja possessed advanced knowledge of aeronautics, a field far ahead of its time, blending mysticism with speculative science.

Key Themes in Vimanika Shastra

  • Types of Vimanas: Descriptions of various types of Vimanas, their construction, and their functionalities.
  • Propulsion Systems: The text details different propulsion systems, including solar power and anti-gravity technology.
  • Pilot Training: Instructions for the training of Vimana pilots, including mental and physical preparation.
  • Technological Descriptions: Descriptions of various technological components, including mirrors, lenses, and other devices.

Controversies and Scholarly Views

  • Authenticity Debate: The authenticity of the Vimanika Shastra as an ancient text by Bharadwaja is widely debated. Many scholars argue that it is a modern creation rather than an ancient manuscript.
  • Technical Feasibility: The technical content of the Vimanika Shastra has been scrutinized, with many experts finding the described technologies to be scientifically implausible.

Cultural and Spiritual Influence

  • Reverence: Despite the controversies, Bharadwaja remains a revered figure in Hindu tradition. His association with the Vimanika Shastra adds a layer of mystique to his legacy.
  • Inspiration: The idea that an ancient sage could possess knowledge of advanced technologies continues to inspire interest in ancient Indian history and spirituality.

Modern Relevance

  • Academic Interest: Sage Bharadwaja’s contributions to Vedic literature and Ayurveda are subjects of academic study and continue to be respected in scholarly circles.
  • Popular Culture: The Vimanika Shastra and the figure of Bharadwaja feature prominently in discussions about ancient technologies and alternative histories.


Sage Bharadwaja is a towering figure in ancient Indian tradition, revered for his contributions to Vedic literature, philosophy, and medicine. The attribution of the Vimanika Shastra to him, while controversial, adds an intriguing aspect to his legacy, blending the lines between myth, mysticism, and speculative science. Whether viewed through the lens of historical reverence or modern scepticism, Bharadwaja’s legacy continues to captivate and inspire.